Jennifer Bonjean
American lawyer, Jennifer Bonjean, was recently hired by Harvey Weinstein to appeal his conviction in a Los Angeles court for sexual assault and rape, after a jury found him guilty, and being sentenced to 16 years in prison. She has become known for her aggressive approach to defending men accused of sexual misconduct in several of the highest profile cases of the #MeToo era, including R. Kelly, Bill Cosby and Keith Raniere. Her firm’s website claims Bonjean, who has the words “not guilty” tattooed on her arm, “works tirelessly to reverse the convictions of innocent people wrongly incarcerated”.
Anglais | Français |
lawyer | avocat(e) |
to hire | embaucher |
conviction | condamnation |
sexual assault | agression sexuelle |
rape | viol |
to be found guilty | être reconnu coupable |
to sentence | condamner |
misconduct | comportement répréhensible |
high profile | médiatisé |
case | affaire |
to claim | affirmer, prétendre |
tirelessly | sans relâche |
to reverse | ici, annuler |
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